Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Monday!

That's what Aaron tells me when ever I ask him to do something that he doesn't want to! Doesn't matter that it's Tuesday, or even Saturday! It's still Monday to him, so therefore he doesn't have to! LOL They are learning days of the week at school, but he's obviously decided to be a Monday person :-) heheee
Today I was busy in the kitchen and thought it sounded very quiet, so I poked my head around the corner and found this ... so of course had to grab my camera :-)
Aaron's reading to Maddison here (making up the story as he goes along even though he is pointing at the words heheee).

Then she saw me and jumped up for a hug. After I obliged with the hug (that's no hardship!) I asked her to sit back down with Aaron so I could get another photo. So she plonks herself down and shoves the teddy aside and reads her own book :-)

And this evening Aaron's teacher emailed me though a couple of pictures of the kids so of course I just had to share them.
I am assuming that Maddison has been sent to the "naughty" chair here. LOL Look at that face! She's doing all sorts of interesting things at school to test them, like climbing up on top of the desks and I know she got put on the chair for doing that about 4 times in a row! I wonder if this was the time they took the photo ;-)
This one of Aaron and one of his school mates doing yoga I have been waiting for it for a while. Was taken about a month ago and was taken on a hand phone, so not the greatest quality, but I still like it anyway :-) (Not sure if I could do that ... makes me laugh just to think about it actually heheeee)

I am on the countdown for Creative Escape in Singapore. I leave early Friday afternoon :-) Woo Hoo. Have got most of my tool kit organised and all the photos printed I need (plus some extra just in case!). Fingers crossed that the kids are going to be little angels for their Daddy! I am sure he will cope though. ;-)
Oh Maddison has some new sayings ...
- Seeeeeeee (actually is sounds more like she's saying ceeeee ... there is a difference between s and c isn't there?) :-)
- Sisssh (fish)
- Bee Bop (Baby Bop from Barney!)
- Allllll right (she's been listening to Aaron, she even draws it out like him!)
- She also puts her finger up to her mouth and says shhh when I am telling her off! (that's from Aaron too!)
- Bobble (bottle)
Thanks for visiting.


Serene Ho said...

Always enjoy your journals about Aaron and Maddison ;o) I'm sure they will do well with Daddy while your in Singapore.

Penny said...

Hee hee - the Monday excuse sounds good to me.

Lydia calls her bottle, "gottle". ;)

topkatnz said...

too cute! ... It's the final countdown!! Wahoo!!

Nilla said...

Hi there, cute kids!! I added you to the Malaysian scrapbookers in the blog Liveitinkl! hugs from Nilla

penelope haque said...

Hey, I tot my lil' man likes Tuesday. No?

Cindy Lee said...

Your childrens are very cute! Reminded of my 6-year old nephew. Nyway, enjoy your creative escape in Singapore!