Most exciting news of the day ... we have a new nephew :-) So Maddison now has 5 boy cousins and a brother ... oh dear hope she won't grow up too butch!! (ha) He's called Elliot and he looks just gorgeous and I think he might have red hair by the looks of the photo!! That definitely calls for a woo hoo ... so a red haired child in each family on Lyndon's side of the family!! Who would have thought!!!
Aaron had a 4 hour sleep this afternoon (didn't go to school). I got the bestest hug when he woke up. :-)
Having printer problems ... something wrong with magenta ink cartridge, and woo hoo I actually managed to get my message across to the help line what the problem was. So hopefully someone will be here tomorrow to check it out.
2 more teeth of Maddison's have come through (still a couple working their way down though!).
Did a sweet & sour chicken casserole for tea and when I opened the tin of pineapple it was a baby pineapple! I have seen pineapples this small over here, but not tinned! Cool aye.
That's about it really. That'd be woo hoo's enough I think. Right, best be off and cook the noodlely pastery stuff that we are having with casserole!
whooo hooo thats a great list. Congrats onh being an aunty again. Oh dear it sounds like one side of our family I was the only grand daughter for 17 years before the second grandaughter came along. awww hugs are teh best and having the biggest one from "A" must mean he's starting to feel a little better. Great list.
I wanna be an aunty too!
Congratulations! It's Kate's second isn't it? Always good to have some boys around ;)
Glad Aaron is on the mend.
Cute pineapple too.
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