I was tidying up my craft table this afternoon and Aaron said he wanted to "help" which I discovered actually meant he wanted to draw, punch and glue. So I asked if he wanted to make a picture for his Daddy. A very loud "OK" was his response. I tried to not cringe when he squeezed the living gluelights out of the glue bottle (and licked it off his fingers!). He suck some left over punch outs from yesterday into the pool of glue, did some drawing, wrote his name and added a whole lot of stickers (from my sticker collection of about 25 years ago!! - man that makes me feel old). The finishing touches were some circle punches around the edge - check out the determination on his face to push that punch ... he could do it! :-)
Hopefully all the glue will be dry for Lyndon's birthday!
he looks so cute in that shirt. He is an artist. I giggled at the comment of licking the glue, I guess he really is a hands on kinda artist lol.
He is really getting into the experience eh? Very sweet :)
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