Wow the weeks are just flying past. I read this morning somewhere that it's 37 days till Christmas!! Help me! Aaron is already pestering to put the Christmas tree up ... I am not quite ready for that yet though! :-)
So ... happenings over the last few days ... Samuel is REALLY enjoying his baby rice :-) Not so much fist clenching going on now and big slobbery grins while he's eating hehee :-) Here's a few more pics and I promise I won't show any more of him eating baby rice! ;-)
Maddison has started blowing "raspberries" at every opportunity, the unfortunate part about that is she tells me after each one that she's "doing poopies"!!! I can't even tell her off properly because Samuel thinks it's hilarious and nearly breaks a rib with his giggles! So of course she just does it again and again and again and again!!!! (Toilet humor! sigh)
I have been creating, but I can't show anything yet sorry (it's for my Darkroom Door assignment). I'm hoping to have it all finished by next week, so after that hopefully I will have crafty stuff to share again.
Alrighty - time for me to get off here. Happy Thursday to you and thanks for visiting.
Shoot - 37 days!? man....
Older siblings are just great :P
You're kidding me....only 37 days??? I'd better pull up my socks and work on those cards soon! And I thought I had given myself a good headstart... I think I'm still lagging!
Aaron is soo sweet to sing to Samuel after he put the dummy in... he's a great big brother ain't he? ;) And Maddison is so funny! LOL
Happy Thursday to you too! :)
LOVE the photos of Samuel eating, the ones from the other week too! They are going to make great layouts. It's good that he is enjoying his food :-)
Sounds like Aaron is a very caring big brother, it's great that he can help out in practical ways like that.
i need a baby. minus the night feeding. can u find me one? LOL
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