They were even kind enough to fix our front door ... here Maddison is checking out exactly what he's doing hehee Love her pose!

Friday night we went out for tea and afterwards spent some time at a toy shop, then Lyndon took me to a furniture shop that specialised in safes and cabinets. Aaron was very pleased with himself because he opened every single safe in the shop!! (so like his father!).

We got a few photos of Samuel then he decided to fill his nappy, singlet and the bouncer! So complete change of clothes and surrounds for him.
Then we moved on to a group photo of the 3 of them .... You can draw your own conclusions on how it went! LOL

Changed to different pose ... Maddison does the cross eyed thing for most of the photos where Aaron is holding Samuel.

And when she's holding Samuel and finally looks at the camera Aaron tries to cross his eyes (he can't though ... this is what he thinks is a cross eyed look LOL).
Here's two of the better ones ... this ones needs some photo shop work done in the background though.

Ahh well ... it shows the kids as they are doesn't it! Aaron with a fake smile throughout, Maddison just being goofy pretty much the entire time and Samuel just lying there thoroughly over it all! ;-)
Better luck next time I suppose.
Thanks for visiting.
the photos of the kids are hilarious!!!! It's one of those thing that you just have to keep having a go at at random intervals eh. Sometimes you get lucky.
Love the look of that cabinet. I really regret not clouting down on the old card catalogue cabinets we threw out when the online catalogues came in. They would have been perfect.
Those photos cracked me up, love the expressions and they really do tell a story lol.
Yippe for finished work.
Oh nice cabinet, lol at the watch collection and scrapping supplies use lol - You could have shared the draws
Oh wow, loving the photos of the family shoot ... way too cute ... and I'm still giggling away to myself typing my comment.
Oh Rach, they are so funny!!! I love the last 2 "nice" ones, but the others are CLASSIC! Out-takes are often better than the nice ones, and I can totally see these on a layout! What great kids you have, their personalities just shine through :-)
lol....kids are just kids....i cudnt get any decent pics of becks at the zoo either.....she chose to sleep when the photographer came over and then when they left, she was monkeying around again!!!! OH YES, scrapbook those pics!
Just cracking up at that MEAN look on Madisons face in the first photo ... especially following the sweet innocent pic of Samuel! Gosh she is looking like a grown-up girl. Glad all you apartment dramas are fixed at last. oh, gotta laugh at the cabinet - that's an impressive collection of watches Lyndons aspiring to!!!
Hahaha..i love those kids photo...it's very touching and warm watching them..:)
Tat's a good catch for the storage cabinet, Rachael..:) My friend's house has that and they use tat for CD storage...it'll be great for me to keep my crafty stuffs in there man..especially buttons, threads, embellishment..gosh...i'm so excited for u! :)
so funny! I love the pictures of the children Rachel! They are so precious :)
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