This morning the kids participated in their school concert. It was an early start as we had to get them to the venue before 9am!! We made it in good time though and got front row seats (unfortunately right in front of the speakers, but thankfully it didn't seem to worry Samuel ... he slept on throughout the noise!).

The concert was based on the topics the kids had studied in the last 5 months - animal kingdom, dinosaurs & everyday transportation.
Maddison's class were supposed to dance & boogie to a couple of songs (The Big Ship & Put Your Hands on Your Hips). Maddison just stood on the stage with her hands in her mouth! She appeared to be stage struck like a few others in her class heehee But they looked pretty cute with their little sailor costumes on :-)

Aaron's class had joined up with another class and did as song/skit about "Going to the Zoo".

Aaron told us he was a big brown bear, but I think they were Panda Bears! ;-) They had elephants, monkeys, bears & seals in "cages" and there were 3 "visitors" inspecting the animals and when they got to each cage those animals stood up and did a sort of dance depending on which animal they were (e.g. the monkeys did a lot of scratching hehee, the bears were supposed to be growling I think!!) LOL

Aaron didn't do much growling hehee

Samuel did a fair bit of frowning when he wasn't sleeping.

The last part of the show all the kids were on stage together and they danced to "Everybody Walk the Dinosaur" & "Best Years of Our Lives". Maddison really got into the dancing this time - not sure if it was the chocolate bar she had clenched in her hand which was the incentive to dance heheee

Here's Aaron's costume.

Complete with tail :-)

And Maddison's (spot the choc bar!).

This was at the end of the show - Aaron had already asked for his face paint to be wiped off.

Was a fun morning. All the kids were sooooo cute on stage whether they were getting into their act or just standing staring at the crowd hehee
Thanks for visiting.
They look sooooo cute in the costumes! haha. The frown on Samuel's face is really priceless! So happy they enjoyed performing.
Ahhhhh, they are all so cute! It's great when babies are at the sleep thru anything stage!
How ADORABLE! I love the costumes. Great that Samuel slept through it all so you didn't miss any.
awww.. so cute. :)
I now see the resemblance with Samuel and Aaron!!! cute!
oh wow ... aren't they wee cuties ... love their costumes.
And a wee man that will sleep through anything ... bonus! Bet there are a lot of mum's out there that are saying ... I wish!!!!
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