I've been doing it all afternoon and can't say it's something that I could do full time!
FINALLY the floor people arrived just after 11am (I wasted 2 hours of the morning sitting around waiting for them! I could have had time to walk down to the supermarket and replenish my choc stash!!!). So floor in bedroom is looking good - here's a progress pic.

Outside in the corridor it looks like this!!! What a mess! They have been sawing the boards to the correct length out here.

Apart from sniffing glue (the contact adhesive they are putting on the base of the boards) I have been a door closer today! Honestly I was getting rather cross that it took 4 hours for the 6 guys that have been working here to get the hint (even with me asking several times nicely) that I would like the front door closed and the bedroom door closed. I've had the air con on in the lounge but it's been working hard because every time they leave the front door open huge blasts of hot air come in. And we get glue fumes from the bedroom door being left open! How the men work with that smell all day is beyond me. It's awful.
Samuel has been sleeping in the pram this afternoon as it was too close to the hammering noise in his cot. He looks like a little frog spread out in there! ;-)

He's also spent time snuggling (or should I say smothered!) with Maddison on the couch :-)

Two little dummy munchers! (Excuse Maddison's filthy face - she'd been eating choc biscuits and got choc all over the place!)

So as I am typing this now they are hammering the skirting boards in place and hopefully cleaning up the mess!! So best go and make sure they are doing a good job of it :-) heheee
Thanks for visiting.
** Edited ... Bother it! I spoke too soon. 5pm came and they all left! Grrrr So they will be back tomorrow to finish the skirting's, paint them and hopefully CLEAN before shifting the furniture back into the room. I can hardly wait (said in mocking tone!).
I love it that M is so loving towards S.
Glue fumes, paint fumes, they are so awful! I feel for you, and the kids. Hopefully it's ALL FINISHED soon! Oh, and unfortunately "cleaning up" in builder terms actually translates to "making a huge mess" in real person terms. I speak from experience!
Hoping that things have quietened down somewhat in your neck of the woods. Toxic fumes are excellent for making babies sleep I hear...
I Love the pictures of MAddison snuggling next to Samuel ;)
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