First of all it was the broken pipe in the shower ... and now parts of our floor & wall look like this.
The pipe has been fixed and the tiles supposedly fixed (see this post). (Actually the contractor is coming back tomorrow to fix the tiles ... hopefully the grout will be white this time instead of cheating and using concrete - which by the way has all cracked and looks terrible.) Flooring in our room is being replaced next week and I have no idea when the wall is going to be repainted ... wait and see I guess.
2nd thing ... on Saturday night the power went out in our entire apartment. (It happened on Friday night, but it was the entire condo - no idea what that was about.) Anyway Lyndon checked the fuses and did some investigating and found that it was the hot water cylinder in our bathroom that was causing the power to go. So we switched that off and had to wait till today to get in touch with the maintenance man. He came this morning and when I told him what happened he said ... "oh common problem, heating element needs to be replaced!" I just looked at him and then said "so it's wired to shut off power to the entire apartment when the element goes rather than just the cylinder?" He just grinned at me! Hopefully that will be fixed tomorrow night! In the meantime we are using "Grandma's bathroom" heheee (that's what the kids call it) :-)
3rd thing ... this afternoon I was hanging up a shirt in our wardrobe and the entire bar fell down! All Lyndon's & my clothes in a crumpled heap ... what a mess! Good job I could fix that myself with a pair of pliers! hehee (I just wished that someone was there to take a photo of Maddison watching me fix it ... she was hanging onto my leg and peering up into the wardrobe saying "What you doing Mummy"? :-) I think she thought I was naughty getting the pliers out of Lyndon's toolbox! heheee)
I just keep thinking about the electrical wiring job and end up shaking my head! Last year when the kids and I were in NZ for 3 months and Lyndon was travelling a lot, he came back to the apartment to a terrible smell. One of the air con units had a fuse melt down and that tripped the power to the entire apartment ... I'll leave it to your imagination as to what the fridge/freezer contents were like. I can't remember exactly what time Lyndon arrived home, but it was late in the evening (around midnight I think) and he was flying out the next day again for another trip. So instead of repacking his bags and getting some rest he spent hours cleaning up the mess in and around and under the fridge/freezer. Disgusting.
It doesn't seem right to me to wire things up that if something goes wrong the power trips to the entire apartment! Oh well ... all part of life's little experiences I guess. LOL (I am just very glad we were at home when it happened so we didn't have another mess to clean up!)
Fingers crossed that we don't need to call the maintenance man again in the next while!
man oh man thats some terrible apartment stuff......glad you are on top of it. Gives a whole new meaning to leaky building syndrome.
I have to say I was reading in disbelief some of the things that need to be repaired. Yet it seems normal given the maintenance mans attitude lol
By the way thanks for the words of encourgement.
Wow - they do some shoddy work over there eh?
I hope all things go well really soon! Take care and be careful of power fuses.
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