Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chocolate ...

Ummmmmm, Lyndon is home and he bought me a treat!!! Devine! Apparently you pay by the gram for these ... they are the gold of chocolates! Godiva Chocolatier ... hey wouldn't that be a great job ... being a Chocolatier!! It's up there with being a scrapbooker!!

On more mundane news ... I didn't get the meatloaf made, by the time I did my previous post and then dealt with the kids, Aaron had past the point of nearly no return, so it was spaghetti and mince (that's the blunt words ... suppose I could call it something fancy if I tried!). After tea he was in a much happier frame of mind (amazing what 3 M&M's can do to him (wonder who's son he is!!) :-)

Here he is playing in a box that the groceries came in yesterday. Check out the holes in the bottom ... I cut those so he could see where he was going as yesterday he was wearing it and kept on walking into Maddison - he's so rough with her.

Oh ... tonight he was looking through a book while I was shovelling tea into him and he says "what's this" and points at a penguin. So I tell him it's a penguin, and he goes "what does the penguin say" and doesn't wait for my reply but says (in high pitch squeaky voice) "penguin, penguin, penguin". Hope he doesn't get a complex with me laughing hysterically at him! :-)

Well that's it for tonight, I am off to bed (after another chocolate of course).


Half Way ...

Half way with the thank you's :-) Yay.

Now have to go and do something about tea - can't venture down to McDonalds as it's thundering and lightening out there something shocking!

So ... choices are limited - looks like it will be a meatloaf and spuds! Sound like a Malaysian meal to you? :-) hee hee

Lyndon's flight was delayed 50 minutes last I heard, so that's a pain. Means the kids will be asleep (I hope) before he gets home.

Bye for now.

Oh My, Oh My, Oh My

I think I need a paper bag to stick my head in as I am hyperventilating!!! I can hardly believe it, but the lovely ladies at Paper Pesto drew my name out to win their Friday Giveaway! How awesome is that? Good job I have started scrapping again huh! :-)

Now ... since Lyndon is off to NZ next week he can pick the papers up, so I wonder what else I can add to it! I could justify my spending I suppose by saying I'll be saving on postage! Humm ... wonder if Lyndon would go for that? (Somehow me thinks not!)

Thank you again Paper Pesto ... I am loving looking at your sneak peeks for your April kit! They are just gorgeous.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Bye Flat Stanley

Last night I finished typing up Flat Stanley's "Diary" complete with photos. So a couple of pages of "diary entries", and a couple of pages of guff and stuff about Malaysia (which I got from surfing on the net!), and about 2 hours later it was finished! Must say it was pretty boring reading! Poor Flat Stanley didn't get to do much with Aaron not being well. Anyway he's all packed up now in his envelope "suitcase" and is off to Buffalo in the States for a visit with another family with small kids, before heading back to his home in Illinois.

Maddison has had one sleep, Aaron is sleeping now, train track is all packed up and the dishes are still waiting for me! Cleaner comes soon, so better get my skates on as our bedroom is a pigsty! While I had my shower this morning Aaron was jumping on the bed and throwing pillows and cushions everywhere and Maddison got into the rubbish bin (nice!). I tell you nothing is safe around here unless it's locked up!!! I see the pile of towels I had folded up on the couch have been distributed throughout the bedroom as well. Sigh ... the little pets ... hopefully Maddison hasn't been sick on them!

Washing machine has developed a terrible whine in the spin cycle, so have rung and complained about that (machine is provided by owner of apartment). Don't want it to get any worse and the thing blow up on me!!! I said to the agent that I can't really do without a washing machine with 2 kids so if he could get back to me today it would be appreciated! Unfortunately I have discovered previously that Malaysian's watches seem to be a lot slower than mine!!

Guess what ... this afternoon I am going to write some Thank You's! Truly I am!! Lyndon is in the Philippines now, gets back Saturday evening, then on Tuesday flies to NZ for a few days then to Australia. So ... pressure is on. I must get them done before next Tuesday (save on postage you see - must have some Scot's blood in me somewhere!!!).

Bye 4 now

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love my ...

Yes ... Aaron really does love his dummy! Last night (around 4am!) he couldn't find his dummy and neither could I, so I gave him the spare (saved me grovelling under his bed!). This morning he found it and comes out with both in his mouth!

Apart from the 2 dummies, this is a typical "I'm tired" pose of his, he sits down, sucks said dummy and fiddles with his hair!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flat Stanley's Malaysian Wardrobe

Not into making hats, so sorry Flat Stanley you have to keep your USA cap on!! (Not to mention his shoes ... maybe I should have made his trousers longer!!) :-)

On the left we have a Chinese costume (knew I would use that Asian paper one day - had it for about 6 years in my stash!) and on the right an Indian costume to sort of match Aaron's ... detailing around the collar and buttons isn't quite as fancy as Aaron's though! :-)

Dress Up's ...

The kids tried on their Indian outfits this morning. They weren't that co-operative, but I got a few pictures that will do!!

After much huffing and puffing on both mine and Maddison's part we got her squeezed into her top! (You should have heard the commotion trying to get it off!) I have come to the conclusion that Indian babies have long legs and are very thin! They obviously don't have "well rounded", cuddly babies over there!!!

The last pic of her is so cute - she's clapping her hands :-)

Dare #41 ... 3rd LO

Couldn't resist - had to do another one!

I've had this tulip paper for years and it seemed too beautiful to use, but decided to just do it - I cut out the tulips. Quite pleased with the result and I have enough tulips left for at least 1 maybe 2 LO's.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Layouts for NZ Dare #41

Taa Daaah! Finally, after about 10 months (could even be more, not sure where the time goes these days) I have done some scrapbook pages. The NZ Dares sites latest Dare #41 is using a "SHE" quote from Kobi Yamada. I just couldn't pass up using the "Real" Measurements one :-) hee hee. And Lyndon and I both felt the other quote was Grammie to a tee. So ... pages complete, now to do some more on Maddison's thank yous and Flat Stanleys wardrobe.

Monday, March 24, 2008

"My Word"

Thought I would record some more of Aaron's sayings for when I get round to doing some pages in his scrapbook!

The latest saying is "My Word". I have obviously said it to him a few times in recent days, so he's been trotting "My Word" out to Maddison whenever she gets into something he thinks she shouldn't, or even if he does something he knows I don't like. (Hard not to laugh when he's saying it to himself!)

Last week he asked me "what does the chicken say?". I replied with the "Puuuck, Puuck" noise (how do you spell that anyway???) that hen's make. Anyway this morning at breakfast he grabbed a serviette that was on the table that had a restaurant logo of a chicken on it. He very gleefully said "What does the chicken say? (in high pitch voice) Pop Pop Pop". I just couldn't keep a straight face, I burst out laughing.

He's started talking on the phone a little which is cool. Today he picked up the phone when Lyndon phoned, I said "Say hello to Daddy". So with much heavy breathing he goes "Say hello to Daddy". He doesn't really answer questions yet - it's more repeating what I say (word for word in some instances!).

Flat Stanley's "Adventures"

They aren't what I'd call adventures as such!! Aaron didn't go to school today as he's got a nasty cough and a snotty nose still ('snot nice at all), so we took a very quick trip to the playground late this afternoon to get some pics with Aaron and Flat Stanley, he travelled in the bag on the back of Maddison's pram. Aaron had his pic taken holding Flat Stanley on his bike, on the see-saw and on the slide. Had about 5 minutes before it poured with rain. Man, the thunder and lightening here is incredible.

Clothing for Flat Stanley is on tomorrow's agenda ... didn't get time today.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Toy :-)

Naa Naa Na Naa Na :-) I have got a new printer! Yipppppiee, (I am very excited if you can't already tell!) it's a Canon MP610. I am so looking forward to using it, being able to print my own photos (any size ... well up to A4) is making my brain buzz. When Maddison wakes in the night for feeds, I sit there with her in my arms with my brain whirring away about what layouts to do ... yeah I know I still have to finish those jolly thank you's, but they are coming along (honest).

The printer purchase process has been going on for a few days. Lyndon went off on Thursday morning to do some research and get some prices etc. Then Friday was spent surfing the web for reviews, and Saturday we went to this huge shopping complex, but it was POURING with rain like you wouldn't believe (I couldn't take Flat Stanley on that trip ... didn't want to drown him!). So what with the traffic, and the GPS not working, etc when the weather's like that it took us an hour to get to the mall, (only 10 minutes away normally!!) so it limited our time there to check out more than just printers! But ... I did discover that Canon put out Matt Photo Paper. (Of course it wasn't in stock - typical) In the mean time I just got a pack of 6x4 gloss photo paper - 50 sheets ... humm wonder how long that will take to use up! Ha

Tomorrow our car goes in for it's first service. Suppose to be at 1,000km's but we've nearly done 2,000! Just realised I haven't posted a pic of it, so here it is, it's a Toyato Innova, seats 7 (or more if you are skinny and there's no car seats in the back!!) It's a bit gutless, but who needs speed around here? Too many cars in the way! Nice to be up high and see over things too :-)

So busy days ahead this week! :-) Thank you's, scrapping, and need to finish Flat Stanley's wardrobe. Lyndon is going away ... he's not sure where or when though (and you thought I was disorganised!!!) hee hee

Bye for now.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Flat Stanley

Denise sent us a paper doll named "Flat Stanley". A little girl in the States is doing a class project on a book they read called "Flat Stanley" and they made a paper doll each and sent him to a "host" family for a vacation! So on his way back from NZ to the States, Flat Stanley has stopped over in Malaysia. Here he is in his USA clothing :-) We have to take photos of where we take him and make him some clothing that reflects the country! Humm ... not sure what I will do yet, will inspect my paper horde I think for some Chinese paper and fashion a "high quality" (or "many quality" as they say in China Town) Chinese outfit!

This morning we walked down to the Plaza so Flat Stanley came along for the ride ... this is how he travelled :-)
He had his photo taken with Aaron at the pond with water lilly's and tiny gold fish in it.
And with Ronald McDonald - just to show they do have McD's here too.
And this one is for those that know me well!! Yes ... Aaron is trying to pick Ronald's nose. Lovely huh!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scary Monsters ...

It's been an interesting & busy couple of days! Today was a public holiday (someone's birthday!), but unfortunately Aaron doesn't know what a sleep-in is yet! Our printer has been playing up, so Lyndon went off to check out different printers this morning and I put the kids to bed! Aaron was really tired and has a cough and a runny nose (again), so I lay down on his bed with him. After half an hour he finally went to sleep, so I crept out. But he was coughing in his sleep and about 40 minutes later he comes out, so it must have woken him up! Great!

He's into Monsters in a big way at the moment. For Christmas Nana and Grandad gave him the book "Where the Wild Things Are" and it's a favourite for Daddee to read (Mum obviously doesn't read that one right!). He quite often goes round saying "What does the Monster say?" Then he looks about and goes "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR", laughs and runs off!! I never seem to have the video handy when he does this though. Today he was watching a Noddy dvd and there's a story on there about Noddy being scared of scary monsters (tree branch shadow, and shiny eyes (marbles) under his bed). Aaron loves this story and once he's watched it, I have to go back and replay it!! (Boring for me!) Anyway I got him out of the computer room so I could organise lunch and he's standing on the window sill in the lounge with the window open looking out, saying "scary monsters out there, one, two, free, oh scary monsters, grrrrrrrrr, go way. Mummy, scary monsters, what does the monster say? Grrrrrr". And so on. Then after a bit he comes to me and says "Mummy the scary monsters got my dummy!". I go "what?". So he drags me to the window and points, "Scary monsters got my dummy". Well the little brat had thrown his dummy out the window! So I thought to myself, hummm this is a good way to get rid of the dummy :-) hee hee. I told him "that's too bad, you should have been more careful and told the monsters to go away!". All was well until we were having lunch and he saw Maddison had her dummy, well ... you would have thought the end of the world had come! What a performance. And the noise! In the end I shovelled food into his mouth, cleaned their faces, got him an old dummy, put him on his bike, Maddison in the pram and off we went to look for the wretched thing! I have lost a sock out the laundry window and it's never been seen since, so I really wasn't holding out much hope of finding it. We had a good look round on the 6th floor - where the pool area is, but couldn't see it there, so I decided we'd check the mail while we were out. And low and behold there it was on the ground floor in the gravel garden. He must have really biffed the thing, because it had hit the canvas shades and skidded down to the ground floor. Couldn't believe it. So he was happy and I was happy because he'd shut up about the jolly scary monsters getting his dummy (yeah right!!) :-)

Hummm ... what else is news? Maddison has been really really grumpy today, and after close inspection we think she's cutting a tooth upstairs now. Ahhhh ... more sleepless nights!

Aaron has discovered he can push the keyboard stool over to the bookcase and can climb up and reach his battery operated James (Thomas train). Yesterday I caught him and he'd squashed Maddison up against the bookcase! One way to keep her out of the way I suppose. (You will note her matching bib! It's just so I have a photo that she can say to me years later ... "Mum I can't believe you dressed me in that - it's not even matching!") :-)

Well that's it for tonight. I am off to bed before Maddison wakes again.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My Mum painted this blue box for Aaron for his Thomas trains. It's had a bit of a beating and last week the box got dropped and the sides at one end broke, but today Her Royal Highness sat on it and totally flattened the good side! Ahh well ... rather the box than me I suppose. Aaron wasn't very impressed and informed me repeatedly that Maddison had squashed it!

Water Update

A few have asked what our water is like now. Well, that bottle that Lyndon filled has now got a very furry looking sediment at the bottom - sort of hard to tell in photo, but the water is relatively clear (not that I would drink it!!). Of course if you give the bottle a good shake it's back to espresso!

Last Thursday a guy from Management came to tell me what they were doing now, most of his explanation I didn't get, but did understand that they have someone doing a check on the tanks each morning and night to make sure the water levels are high, they are backwashing (I think it was the filter) 8 times a day instead of 4, and they are getting quotes to have the holding tanks cleaned! I sure hope that happens soon. If we have this much sediment in a 5 litre bottle how much is in the tanks?? (Doesn't really bear thinking about actually.) Bath water is looking much clearer which is good ... don't feel like the kids are bathing in "apple" juice!! (that's my polite description!)

Monday, March 17, 2008

It's Not Workin!

Recently we have been getting Aaron used to the idea of potty training (yet again!). At bath time he sits on the pot while the bath is being filled (in the hopes that the sound of running water will help!) - so far it's worked twice. Anyway tonight's efforts were very disappointing ... after sitting for all of 20 seconds, he gets up and says "It's not workin' Mummy, it's not workin'!"

Well what could I say? What really ticks me off though is I caught him doing woozles in the bath not long after he'd gotten in. Grrrrr ... it's not workin' indeed!

It's Warming Up!

Last night it was 34 degs C at 10pm! How crazy is that. We went out for tea and the kids were balls of sweat when we left (mind you I suppose I would have been too if I'd been running or crawling around like they were!!).

The following pics are from yesterday afternoon ... Maddison showing off her skill on the couch - she just loves leaning over the arm. And of course Aaron has to join in too :-)

Then Aaron decided to go to the back of the couch, so Maddison has to follow! Both a pair of copy-cats.

This was taken this morning - Aaron had emptied out both bins (one of wooden blocks and the other train track) and was sitting in one so I popped Maddison in the other. She thought she was pretty cool.

Construction Update

For those that are interested :-) Here's a couple of pics of the construction next door. 1st on was taken in January and 2nd one yesterday. The amount of digging they do is incredible.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Daddeeee's Home

Well all is peaceful here at our place ... all are sleeping except me! Lyndon got home from India this morning about 9.30am so was very noisy for a while. He had been shopping yesterday afternoon so was laden down with bags! He bought Aaron this neat carving of 3 turtles. (Aaron's really into turtles at the moment.)

I asked Lyndon to see if he could buy a costume for Aaron for their school concert in May. They have to wear an Indian costume so should be interesting to see all the kids dressed up.

He bought this little blue one with the while trousers. Aaron wasn't at all interested in modelling, so photo of that will have to wait. And this little brown suit :-) It is so cute, it has an orange shirt and a very funky cream tie! Can't wait till he grows into that :-)

Of course he couldn't forget Maddison! Aren't these racy little numbers!! Heee heee I can't wait to see her in these either - a little Indian Princess!

Oh ... Lyndon bought me a really nice top as well. I tried it on and asked Lyndon what he thought and Aaron piped up and said "it's good"!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just another day ...

Didn't think I would do a post today, but Maddison tried standing in the bath (great) and then they both ransacked their room afterwards! Pretty much a normal day I suppose!!!

This is Aaron dancing with plastic bags, one filled with nappies! Told me he was "tideee up"! Yeah Right!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oh My Goodness ...

I am so not ready for this! Here I was thinking Aaron was a handful, but I have my suspicions that Maddison will be worse (is that possible?) :-)

I was trying to send some emails this morning and she pulled herself up on the table the computer is on and stood there squealing at me! So I plonked her on the ground took off and grabbed the camera and encouraged (I know I shouldn't have!) her to do it again! She's only just started crawling properly about 3 weeks ago for goodness sake!

She's just like Aaron - walks on tippy toes :-)