#1 - biggest woo hoo is Lyndon bought me a Ferrari, yep, a Ferrari ........................... laptop! Did I have you going? It's very cool ... here's a pic of it. The start-up sound will probably get worn out as Aaron knows how to turn it on just so he can hear it!
#2 - Aaron's 3rd appointment with the ear specialist was successful last night! Yay Yay and Woo Hoo.
#3 - planning a trip to a scrapbook shop this coming weekend :-) Want to get an 8x8 album for my BOM (amongst other little bits and pieces!!)
#4 - Aaron's back at school this week :-)
#5 - Maddison is doing VERY well eating her solids :-)
That's about it really ... mind you it's only 10am so something else exciting could happen today I suppose! Like me getting a Nana Nap!! (that's the plan anyway once Aaron goes to school!)
Here's some pics of what Maddison got up to this morning. She's just over 9 months old, and I remember Aaron doing exactly the same thing ... so did some photo surfing and found some pics of him at the same age. Humm ... climate is definitely warmer over here!! Our laundry is outside here (on a tiny little balcony) and back in Akl it was inside!

Nice toy there....so glad to see photos, and that beats my flowers anyday lol. Cute photos I could see a layout on that with both childrens photos on the same layout. Oh have fun shopping this weekend. Is scrapping big over there now??? Yipee for ear drops finally working!!
Oh you had me fooled! How cool though at least you can say you have a 'ferrari' LOL.
So funny with the dryer, Isaac has done the same thing. Glad Aarons ears are clear now.
Love all the pics of the littlies in front of the clothes dryer ... cool.
Ferrari ... wowser!
Well I didn't really think you'd have the car version ;) But way cool to have your own laptop. And the NavMan. Your hubster knows the way to a geek-gurl's heart.
So funny about the dryer inspections!
Enjoy getting your little bits and pieces.... heh heh.
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