Saturday was National Scrapbook Day so I tried to squeeze in as much scrapping as I could :-) After lunch Lyndon went to a big computer store to buy a portable hard drive for all our photos to see if that would help the speed of our computer! And you won't believe this ... but he came home with a Ferrari! True ... said it was for me! (No it's not a toy from the Shell garage! - I'll take photos later and post them.) So I am quite the flash chick now! He did get a hard drive for the photos too!
He spent quite a few hours messing about with the computer doing virus checks and downloading photos to the hard drive. Then after the kids were in bed he ended up taking the computer to the shop he got the hard drive from to get it checked. Phoned to tell me it had 83 infections!! (Sounds like it's been playing with Aaron!!)
Think it's going slightly better now :-)
Today ... Lyndon's back at work, kids are in bed and I am catching up on washing, blogging and I really must respond to some emails. I have been very slack! Aaron's going to school this afternoon too :-) Looking forward to that! hee hee
gosh your a spoilt girla dn I look forward to seeing photos of your ferrari. Poor Aaron isn't having much fun with those ears and drops. Hope he gets well soon. Wow thats a lot of infections on your pc. leased its running faster though.
Hmmm a ferrari?! I shall be watching for pics.
Not sure about the pikelet thing. Sounds more odd than I could cope with.
Hope the drops work.
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