Woo Hoo I made it to the next round in Scrap-n-Crop's Project Scrap Away. If you want to see the rest of the talent check out this link here.
Woo Hoo 2 more sleeps and Lyndon is home.
Woo Hoo for 2 nights in a row Aaron has gone to bed in the evening really nicely! No getting out of bed, no asking for treats or water, no hiding behind curtain filling his nappy!!! (Could be he hasn't had a sleep during the day, but I am not complaining when he goes to bed and goes to sleep at night instead of mucking about for an hour or two!!!) :-)
Woo Hoo - one month today and Maddison turns 1 (how scary is that!).
Now for the not so woo hoo's!! The water in our apartment is yucky again. We noticed it on Sunday night when the kids had their bath, and then last night it was worse and this morning I thought the water smelt funny when I was showering, but when I went to brush my teeth ... egghhhh. I was nearly sick. So I took a sample down to the management office and filled in a complaint form. Humm ... see how long it takes them to respond this time!
Aaron has a new saying - Yaaaasssss. For some reason he's started saying yes like that. And now when I ask him if he's done poos in his nappy that's what he says "yaaaaassss" then runs off! Before he'd say "I don't think so!". Could I take this as a positive sign he's getting ready for more potty training??? I HOPE SO. (fingers crossed anyway)
This morning we went down to the playground. On Monday I bought Maddison a little pair of trousers because she can't crawl with her dresses and skirts on and didn't fancy her crawling outside with just her singlet on :-) So I got a size one and had to breath deep to do up the dome! Oh well they should last till she starts walking which I don't think will be far away. To make her outfit more special she had on a pair of Aaron's navy socks because she only has one pair of shoes and they are white and I didn't want her wearing them in the playground ... they wouldn't stay white long! Here's some pics :-)
She thought she was the bees knees on Aaron's bike (Nana and Grandad bought her a pink one for her bd which is in hiding so Aaron can't find it). Looking forward to getting some pics of her on that :-) Aaron's not so keen on sharing his unfortunately.
LOL - have to get entirely elasticized waists eh :) Those "yoga" style pants are quite good, especially for when I've got cloth naps on L.
Congratulations on making another round! I must say there is no way I could have judged that one - they were all so good. I really liked that family one that got turfed. *shrugs*
Good news that Aaron has been going to bed nicely ... I imagine that when your hubby is away it's helpful to have the kids doing all the right things!
That park looks like a fun one! Maddison looks super cute in her new threads :-)
Rachel that is awesome news that so super exciting about making it through, I am so proud of you!! Aww Miss M loks so cute, I can see her making a mini albmum too lol.
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