Some sort of fish in that metal dish (I didn't want to know if it was one of the carp from their ponds!!!)
Chicken feet for anyone???
Aaron playing with his little bowl of soy sauce! (being a little piglet in other words)
This is a typical photo actually of any restaurant we go to! Aaron standing in his high chair, and a waitress hovering around the kids while I am trying to shovel food into their mouth!!! This instance the waitress is doing the "high-five" with Maddison (she can do it too!).
I think it's great that you take your kids out to restaurants. Most parents just put that in the "too hard basket" (me included! we just get a babysitter and go without them, LOL) but your kids will soon get used to going out and eating different food, which will be great for you guys!
Yum! It looks great!
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