I had a clean out a few days ago of all my patterned papers that I know I will never use in my albums. Some of them date back about 10 years (humm ... what a hoarder I am!). So I bundled this lot up and took it to Aaron's school this afternoon. The teacher was VERY excited. I told her that I was giving it to her on the condition that she showed me what they make with it! hee hee.
The kids were awake at 7 this morning and Tess said she was coming at 8am, but in reality it was after 9am by the time she got here on the bus. Anyway we were up and dressed before she got here so that was good! Aaron was so grumpy and grizzly last night, he was in bed and asleep before 8pm, but by 9.30 this morning he was just nasty. So I put him back to bed around 10 and he went straight to sleep ... can't say the same about Maddison! She was just a rascal. She loves the attention from Tess and I think that was the problem this morning, because a couple of times I tried to put her down and she'd scream her nut off and I'd come out and Tess would have her back up! (hummm ... ) Anyway I just waited till 12 then gave her lunch and put her back down after Tess left :-) So she's out to it now and Aaron is at school. Lyndon would have landed back in KL now, and I told Aaron that Daddy would pick him up from school today, so he's pretty excited about that.
On the water front ... it's better this morning, but was still bad last night, so will be interesting to see if it's the same again tonight. Yesterday I went down after taking Aaron to school and asked what was happening with my complaint as no-one had been to see me and I filled out the form on Tues morning. The admin guy said I had to ring the maintenance man!!! I ask you ... anyway Maddison pitched a fit when I took the keys off her to open the door and by the time I got that dealt with I completely forgot about ringing him. So did it this morning and he goes "oh you provided a sample". "Yes I did". "Oh well I have to talk to my manager". "Right ... well will you be doing that today?". "Possibly". I got off the phone and the more I thought about that conversation the madder I got ... does anyone else get like that? So I sat down and wrote a letter (cause if I filled out another form they wouldn't be able to read it - I have to concentrate too hard to write neatly!!) ... the letter had some short sentences in it like "I'm sorry, but I find that totally unacceptable", "it's disgusting", and "I expect to hear TODAY". I also wrote that I didn't think it was just a coincidence that both my kids have runny noses! I remember last time we had bad water both the kids had runny noses and high temps. Lyndon has also spoken to the agent who showed us through the place and signed us up and he's going to talk to the owner. So we'll see what happens and if it does happen today! Haven't heard anything yet and it's already after 2.30pm!
On a happier note ... here's some more of Aaron's sayings:
This morning he got up to my craft table while I was on the computer and was fiddling with my polka dot coasters for challenge #6 of Project Scrap Away and I asked him to get down. He said to me (so seriously too) "You look at Puter Mummy okay, Aaron busy!!!!" Well my jaw nearly fell off! Little monkey.
He's taken to saying "Good job" for lots of things too. Must be something he's picked up from school. I was changing Maddison's nappy yesterday and he said to me "Good job Mummy" (snigger snigger!). And I got a "good job" when I put his build-a-train back together this morning! I love the tone of voice he uses ... so congratulatory (if that's such a word - oh must be spell checker didn't pick it up).
This morning I was getting breakfast ready for him (cornflakes, yogurt and banana) and I dropped some cornflakes on the floor and he goes "tsk (you know the noise you make with your tongue) Oh excuse me .... silly Mummy"! (hee hee I do find it so hard not to laugh at him sometimes).
The other day at school he was given a picture of a kiwi to colour in and I asked him "Aaron what does a kiwi say" (such a meanie I am). He looks a bit puzzled for a minute then gives me a big grin and goes "kaachoo kaachoo". I cracked up. He was making a sneeze noise and thinks that's what a kiwi says. hee hee
I've also noticed that Maddison has a word she uses for Aaron, not all the time, but quite a bit. And today I heard it properly ... it's "AhhhDaaa". Which Tess informs me is "coming" (or something to do with come) in Philippines. (whatever)
Okay that's enough ramble ... if you have managed to read this far!
I have a lunch date (with the kids) next Wednesday with all the workers (fingers crossed the kids will be well behaved!). And on Sunday 6th after specials Wallace and Gary are coming to stay :-) Lucky aye.
Must admit, I have been using my punch quite a bit ... it's great!!! Brilliant tool!!!
I'm thinking the manager really needs to sort out the water situation and PRONTO!!!!
Love Aaron's comment about the computer ... too cute!!!
oooo - lucky chickie :) Glad you like ze bag ;) I knew what to draw on it as soon as your name was drawn out of the hat.
Aaron sayings are very funny!
Gross about the water though.
Ooh, I can't wait until I get my punch! Soon, soon.
Aaron's comment is so cute!! Poor little guy looks a bit banged up in the other post, I hope it's not bothering him too much. Boys tend to love their "war wounds" as they get a bit bigger (in my experience, anyway).
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