Finished these 3 LO's last night. 1st two are for the fortnightly challenge at
The Sketch Book. I've had these photos printed for a while so decided to do them both. No journalling for the teddy one because it's going alongside a page with the journalling on it. And I scrapped those pics of Aaron on the potty! I was searching for 70's sort of paper and found that paper so thought, oh I'll just scrap those pics now :-) hee hee

oh Rachel I just lurveeeeeeeeee Green eggs and ham layout so striking, I lurrrrrve lurrrrveeee it.
Great LOs! That Dr Suess paper is the cutest!
Oh these are excellent Ms Clarke!
And I will read it on the pot,
And I will read it it the cot,
And in the house,
And with a mouse.
I do so love Green Eggs and Ham,
thank you thank you Sam I Am.
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