From our time in Christchurch.
Daddy reading Aaron an old childhood favourite story "The Adventures of Gumdrop" before bed.

Samuel checking out his newest cousin L. :-) (You had to watch him because he was quite good at giving L a good scragging!)

Because we had 8 kids and 8 adults staying for the last part of the time we were at Nana & Grandad's we did dinner time in relays :-) The kids ate first and then we gave them something to do while the adults had dinner. This night I had a whole pile of glow sticks for them. They had so much fun.

C & B were playing together and C was singing "row row row your boat" and then B decided to lean forward and give him a kiss hehee :-) Very cute.

We all went out for lunch one day to
Salmon Tales in Rakaia. Aaron and J were playing on Lyndon's phone during the meal.

After lunch we went over to the park and got a group photo and some of the kids.

Then the kids hit the playground!

Cousin J bought his push bikes out to share. Aaron finally mastered riding without training wheels :-)

Although it was helpful to have a push trying to cycle on the lawn! haha

The new few pics are of a tennis pro in action! First of all you gather your equipment ... bat and ball.

Very important to check that the bat has no holes and you have your legs spaced apart just the right amount!

Careful positioning of the ball ... throw it up then ...

Swing like mad with the bat (and miss the ball altogether)! He did this over and over and over again and probably only hit the ball once in every 20 tries! It was great entertainment for us watching! hehee

When you tire of that you give your sister some helpful hints!

I can just hear him saying "No Maddison you hold it like this"!!! (She doesn't look very impressed with his instructions does she hehee)

Cousin C off and away riding without training wheels :-) So cool to see the pride on their little faces when they realised they could actually do it all by themselves :-)

B & Samuel playing with some "party" balloons :-)

Another line up of cousins. (We took a pic of the kids in
2008 in front of the pantry doors and there were only 5 then ... I tell you it's a lot harder trying to get 8 little faces to look at the camera!).

And another party for the big guy :-)

Delicious cake it was too :-)

Back shortly with more pics!
Thanks for visiting.
1 comment:
fabbo photos and L's cake ... what is it ... please share ... it sure looks yummy!
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