Today is our 16th Wedding Anniversary. On this day last year I looked like this!
I didn't get a chance to get photos of Lyndon and I today - it just hasn't worked out, but hopefully tomorrow Aaron will be able to take some of us :-)
16 years aye! Time really does go fast. I am sure it's speeding up as we get older.
Today this little guy did some crawling in the foyer.
The kids had their dinner at 5pm and were pretty much finished before Lyndon got home from work. I had cooked a roast meal for us and it was actually very nice to sit at the table and have adult conversation without having to deal with the kids every few minutes! :-) We should do that more often! heheee ;-) I even splashed out and got a bottle of sparkling grape juice from France! Was quite nice too! :-)
I forgot to record this the other day too, so must do it now before I forget! We were having breakfast and Aaron is busy looking at Lyndon, then he says ...
Aaron - Daddy your hair is white! Why is your hair white?
Lyndon - That's what happens when you get old, get married and have lots of kids Aaron!
Aaron - Oh
Lyndon - Mummy's hair isn't white.
Aaron - Yeah, but yours is!
heheheee Love it. The expression in Aaron's voice with the "Oh" was so funny. I did think it rather good timing because it was the day before Lyndon's birthday :-) :-)
Now I am going to see if I can shuffle some papers on my scrap desk ... I have been having withdrawal symptoms! Haven't done any scrapping for over a month!
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Anniversary!!! :D
Aaron is so cute :D
Happy Anniversary! Many more great years to come. And little Samuel is progressing so fast. It's amazing that we only read about his birth last year :) Have a great weekend!
Oh - Matt and I love Angry Birds too - it's highly addictive! Quite good for boring meetings too! Lovely looking dinner there - the good old Kiwi roast!
happy anniversary my friend ... and as for that belly ... wowser ... dinner looks awesome ...
Happy Anniversary Baby! You were looking great in NZ!
Happy anniversary! And go you on the weight loss. :)
Heh - Angry Birds is very popular here. Also other games like train games, The little crane that could, Megajump, Sheepish and Sheepstacker.
Happy Anniversary!!
Well done on losing weight, I know how tough that can be, and you've done it in a year - awesome!!
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