I think ;-)
Lyndon and Aaron went into the little country town near Lyndon's parents and got a whole pile of boxes so we could build the kids a hut. Lyndon even made the boys cardboard saws hehee (Aaron is using his in this pic! Looks like he's sawing at Maddison's hand!!)

Complete! The banana box on the top of the left box was a lookout and had an opening hatch and all!

Samuel inspected it ...

I'm pretty sure he approved :-)

One afternoon we went to the beach at the bottom of
Lake Ellesmere. We were right near the opening of the spit which divides the Lake from the Sea. The sand was really gravelly.

The kids tried to slide down the "dunes" in sacks, but it was quite hard for them. They had to do lots of wiggling to come down.

They had lots of fun though. (And we just had to empty their pockets of sand and gravel before their clothes went in the washing machine!)

Samuel munching on a
wine biscuit. (He liked these biscuits so much I bought 2 double packets home with us ;-) !)

Yes that is E with bare feet and Aaron has taken his gumboots off as well! They were siting watching Nana make damper.

VERY hot fire!

Lyndon having a wee meander along the beach.

The day before we left we woke to no power. Both Lyndon and I looked at each other and said "Don't say there's been another earthquake and we didn't even feel it"!!! Thankfully it wasn't an earthquake ... it was a truck that had taken on a power pole and the power pole lost! So we were without power for a few hours. Lyndon cooked us toast on the bbq!

The kids had cereal and yoghurt.

Nana's dishwasher was away being fixed and Samuel thought the empty space was fun to explore.

Building a clock.

Love this pic ... still don't know how Grandad got them to sit so nicely!!! He was making little boats for the kids out of flax kraddy's and little branches.

Pretty cool aye.

Very serious business this watching your boat float under the culvert in the stock water ditch!

Our last afternoon in ChCh was spent trying to pack and cramming in some last minute visits to see friends. We didn't catch up with everyone :-( But I am sure we will be back another time!
Aaron jumping on the tramp with his friend C.

I think there's about 3 months difference between these two little ones.

Friends :-)

So that's it from me about our holiday. We had a great time ... what I am NOT enjoying now is the fact that Samuel has been waking up every morning since we have been home at 4am or 4.30am! It makes for a long day for me! Aaron and Maddison have been waking early too, but this morning it was around 6.30am for them, so hopefully they are getting back to their normal sleep patterns!
Thanks for visiting.
Hi Rachel, happy to see you are back from your wonderful holiday! I enjoyed so much looking at the kids photos. Love to see how they enjoyed their trips too. Thank so much for sharing it to us!! I would love to visit NZ one day when lil L get older :).
Do you mind sharing some tips with me? I am still very nervous about my States trip in Sept with lil L. I am not sure will he be able to cope well in that long hour flight. I saw Samuel pix in the basinet! He is a real angel... I wish my L will be able to behave well in the basinet comfortably. Anyhow, I still getting him a seat becoz I feel he is growing fast this day :) I respect you for taking care of 3 lil ones...whereby 1 for me, I'm feeling stress already (LOL)
I've enjoyed reading your holiday journals and all the pictures are great! I love the cardboard castle! It's so great that your parents and in-laws have great places the children could explore and have fun. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. Puts a smile on my face whenever I think about the picture of Samuel holding his daddy's ear :)
cool photos Rachel had a wee giggle at the 8 kids and adults relay at dinner time. They look like they had a blast with the glow sticks. That castle is amazing, love this back to basics free range play that the kids have been able to do while back in NZ. Your posts remind me of what it used to be like when we were younger. Looks like a wonderful family holiday!!
Janine aka Angelgurl
More FUN!! I love the idea of playing with tons of cardboard boxes. I think ANY child would find this more exciting than any plastic toy or gadget ... it looks like so much fun I wish I could join in!! Sliding down the hill - what a blast! And it looks like they really enjoyed the glow sticks too.
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