Doing a bit of a catch up with blogging.
Here's some pics of the last days we had in Invercargill with my family.
Samuel really enjoyed pushing my Mum's old dolls pram about - he thought he was just so smart!

One afternoon while Lyndon was giving the other two sack rides again Samuel sat on the lawn and played in the dirt. (By the way - Mum and Dad's lawn isn't usually rough patchy soil & grass like in these pics - it's just that they have had some work done to the drive and the lawn needs tidying up now!)

Inspecting his little hands which are covered in dirt very closely! :-)

And what are you looking at?
Ummm this tastes really good covered in dirt too! :-)

Love this sequence of pics of Aaron on the sack. Round the corner ...

At the top of the hill ...

and speeding down :-)
Maddison was on the back (she'd had enough of sack rides ... her face explains it
hehee), while Samuel was on the front and was very busy sucking the end of the fuel breather line!
Maddison came off on a corner and got covered in mud! She didn't want to miss out on the bike rides though!

I'll be back another day with updates from our time in Christchurch. Right now I can hardly keep my eyes open! This time zone and jet lag business is exhausting!
Thanks for visiting.
Is that really Samuel???? I can't believe my eyes. He's grown a lot. Looks like the kids had so much fun. Love all the pictures.
they all look like they were having fun ... even the little fella with the pram ... too cute ... and talk about a spitting image of his big brother.
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