How did that happen? Is it just me or has this year gone faster than any other?
At our house we are on the countdown for lots of things!
- 2 more sleeps till Lyndon's home (Taiwan this week)
- Maddison only has 2 more days left at school this year! (give me more patience after that please!)
- 6 more sleeps till Grandma and Aunty come to visit :-) :-) :-) (we have some VERY excited little kids (and big kids) here about that hehee)
- Aaron thinks he can open all his Christmas presents when Grandma arrives (cough cough! not likely!)
- Aaron has 2 weeks left of school this year.
- 2 weeks tomorrow till we go to Port Dickson.
- 3 weeks yesterday till we go to Thailand for 10 days :-)
- 24 days till Christmas Day!!!
- 30 more days till 2011
Yesterday Maddison came home with a notice in her bag informing me of her new teachers for next year and I suddenly realised that I had to get scampering and get some gifts organised for the teachers she's had this year since she only had 3 days left of school!!!! (They read my blog so not going to say what I am doing yet hehee)
I went down to her class today and got some photos. While we waited for all the kids to finish up their lunch and come back to the class the others sung some songs.
"One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive" (Maddison is doing the "this little finger on my right" action)
I have finished doing the card kits for the cards I'll be teaching Aaron's class next week (phew). One job completed off my list! :-)
Right ... better get back to it. My craft table looks like a bomb site (more than usual) and I haven't done the dishes yet!
Thanks for visiting.
that sure is a lot of counting...LOL
Oh tell me about it. How did the whole year (well, almost) fly by just like that?? All of a sudden there is 1001 things (which includes making some of the 12 TH tags, hehe) that I have to complete before the year ends... *panic*
Hope you don't get any rain at PD since it's been so wet lately! And have a great Thailand trip too!
Macy's sister told me about Ali Edward and I have been reading up on Ali ever since then!! Her dec daily tempted me so much I tried to make one. Stopped halfway and realised I had too much goin this month too. So like you, I will just admire other's work.*grin*
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