To say things are busy & hectic around here would be a bit of an understatement! But I guess everyone is like that this time of year. What is it with people that as soon as December rolls around they start a panic about all the things they have to get done by the end of the year??? No wonder it's called the "Silly Season"!
Last week Lyndon was in Taiwan. He got home late Friday night. On Friday he sent me a text message to say his New Zealand trip was back on the boil again and he was sorting flights - probably going Sunday afternoon!! I won't go into all the details, but this trip has been on again, off again for a while! We thought it wouldn't happen till next year ... anyway. I had to get my A into G and finish off (or in some cases start!) some Christmas/other present shopping so I could save on postage hehee :-)
Saturday afternoon we headed to the playground because I wanted & needed a niceish photo of the 3 kids ... it was an interesting session! I'll share 2 with you here of the 60+ that were taken!!!
Getting set up ... Aaron has hold of Maddison's pigtails and is saying "giddy-up"!!! Love the way Samuel looking up at Daddy :-)
Aaron got to choose a book from the basket that night (see previous post about our Christmas Countdown with Books). He picked out a new book :-) He was pretty excited :-)
It was a Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers :-) - written by Lynley Dodd a New Zealand author. Aaron loves her stories and has quite a few in his collection. (This one I got earlier in the year for RM10 and it's hard cover! I couldn't believe it was so cheap. That's about NZ$4.20!)
But after a few tries we got one I was kinda happy with! :-)
Then of course he went off on a photo taking spree ... Maddison dressed but with bed hair still!
Oh and the dummy ... it has a hole in it ... that is steadily getting bigger :-) Oh I am looking forward to it coming to pieces :-) :-) This time last year Aaron chewed through his last dummy and I told him that once it came off that was it, I didn't have any money to buy another one :-) hehee He only used his dummy for sleeping at that stage, so when it came to pieces he just held it in his hand and went to sleep :-) (that probably lasted about 3 weeks before he didn't bother anymore.) I think Miss Muffit is going to be a totally difficult, oh sorry, different kettle of fish! She likes her dummy ALL the time. She has to leave it on the table when she goes to school or we go shopping, but when she's back home that's the first thing she asks for. Mothers have to pick their fights and that's one I haven't bothered about ... I have enough other things to deal with concerning her! So I will be most interested to see how this chewed up dummy situation is going to go.
Well she was having a moment!
Here's a sneak of part of something I have made ...
When it's got to it's destination and they have unwrapped it I will blog it in full. :-) Check out the wire I used that's been in my stash since my card making days (before scrapping!) from the 90's hehee Yay for using stash!
I also needed a pic of Lyndon and I for this item I was making. So this morning I asked Aaron to take a photo of us. He used our little digital camera ... first attempt wasn't so great!
This afternoon Lyndon packed his bag(s) and headed off to the airport. He's away for 10 days this time. BUT ... only 2 more sleeps till Grandma is here :-)
Right ... I will stop woffling and leave you with some gems the kids have said the last week.
Aaron came off the bus one afternoon and couldn't wait to show me his library book.
Aaron - Look Mummy, I got a shark book from the library ... it's a non-fiction book and it's really important!
I just grinned at him. (But seriously, I was amazed - I am SURE I didn't have the faintest idea at age five about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books!!!)
Aaron talking to Daddy about PE at school ...
Lyndon - Who's the fastest runner in your class?
Aaron - Aaron is cause I have the fast legs! :-)
Aaron - And I'm growing, ya know ... you get spots when you grow! (spots = freckles)
He looked so serious telling us that - Lyndon & I just looked at each other and grinned. :-)
Some of you know that we are struggling with toilet training Maddison. She has her moments! (not all of them good!) Anyway she came home from school one day and her pull-up needed to be changed but no way was she going to let me do that. So I just left her, but asked that she didn't sit on the couch. She came to me nearly 2 hours later making squishy sounds when she walked and said ...
Maddison - Mummy, I making footprints!!!
Nice one! She was right ... "wee" little footprints right through the house! Sigh ... out came the disinfectant and the mop!
So that's us ... we have a super busy week this week, but it's going to be good :-)
Mum and her sister arrive Tues night, Tues and Weds I will be baking several batches of cookies, including gingerbread men, Thurs we are taking cookies to Aaron's class for the kids to decorate for Christmas treats, Fri is the card making session with his class, and then it's the weekend again!
Thanks for visiting.
heh heh - so typical about the photos! We have similar problems. Tim always opens his eyes WIDE like he's got some surprise and Lydia squeezes hers up. *sigh* That's when they aren't fighting each other.
Good luck with the dummy disposal and potty training. So glad that is all behind me! :) If you can stand it I'd ditch the pull up thing - I reckon it just prolongs the issue. Mind you, I was fortunate that daycare were so good about promoting potty training.
wow you have had a busy old time,as has the family. Love the concert photos, so cute. Awww at the presents you made Miss M's teachers. I can tell the loved them too. Love the photo(nice shot)of you and Lyndon that Master A took. He is going to be a good photographer as he gets older. I laughed at his Miss M shot of the bed hair.
Those pics just tickles me! Look at how they were all aligned on the stairs by their daddy and when the shutters shut, they went misaligned in just seconds. haha. That, and Aaron's picture taking attempts.*grin*
That frown on Maddison is real cute but I would steer clear for a bit too.
Love your tangled heart. I wish I can create a piece of art like that!
Now hopping over to read what a book basket is all about.
LOVE the photos! They are such gorgeous kids, and so photogenic. The one Aaron took of you & Lyndon is very nice too (the second one, I mean).
Good luck with the dummy removal ... I remember doing that with Ethan when he was about 2 years old (Tyler never had a dummy, didn't like them). Rob just chopped the end off one day and Ethan coped amazingly well! I thought we would be in for a rough night of tears but he was totally fine with it - rather painless, actually! Hope it goes just as well for you :-)
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