As I have mentioned previously, Aaron is now on holidays (for TWO whole months! gulp). Maddison had a week's holiday last week but was back at school yesterday, so the boys and I took her down. She has moved into a new class and has 2 new teachers, but the same assistant teacher which is nice. She was happy to be going to school when Aaron wasn't ... long may it last!! heheee
Aaron chose a cup with a picture of the earth and a tree.
Then they half filled them with soil.
I suggested they put the cups in the soil box so they didn't make so much mess!
The ladies put the plants in that the kids chose and then a little bit more soil and then moisture beads.
I am sure Aaron thought that was the best part because they bounced when they dropped on the floor ... so you can imagine that after the first one got dropped by accident there were several more purposeful drops!!!
So many colours to choose!
Then add water ... no Aaron you don't need to overflow it! ;-)

Holding their finished works of art! :-)
We understand that they are going up in the "greenhouse" on the 3rd floor of the mall, so we can go and visit them anytime we like hehee :-) Aaron told Lyndon on the phone tonight that he had to come home tomorrow so he could show him his plant! :-)
Wonder what tomorrow will bring! (hopefully a nap for me!)
Thanks for visiting.
what a cool idea with painting the glasses and putting plants in them. will the kids get them back after a while?
Love the pictures of the boys together:) strange that both the kids don't have holidays at the same time? Having my two schooling at different times is quite odd too I guess!LOL or, should I stay, not schooling at all at the moment! endless school holidays this year...
What a sweet pic of the boys together :)
Cute haircuts! Those boys are most definitely related, I can never get over how similar they are.
And I just love the gardening photos.
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