Today while my helper was here I had some time out with Aaron while Maddison was at school and Samuel was sleeping :-) It was sort of a date ... except Aaron chatted away nearly the whole time and I came home with a headache! ;-) He just talked and talked and talked! :-)
We went to a mall and had a look at a few shops ... an Art shop for me, 2 toy shops for Aaron and another just checking out something for Fathers Day which wasn't successful!
We had lunch at Paddington House of Pancakes ... we shared an entree and a dessert :-) I remembered to get my camera out when Aaron's hot chocolate arrived ...
So he chose 6 ... a pink for Maddison, a nut one for me, snow one for Samuel and one covered in Chocolate squiggles called Alien for himself, plus a couple of others. (forgot to take a pic of the full box ... sorry)
They went down VERY well :-)

And this little fella thought it was a bit of alright! hahahahaa He had about 1/4 of his one and enjoyed every bit :-) His fake grin that he does at the moment makes me laugh every time!
Tomorrow the kids and I are going to get our craft on before Daddy gets back from Finland! We have a card to make and Aaron found a craft activity for Maddison and himself which he wants to do as well. I will be back tomorrow with photos! :-)
Thanks for visiting.
have to say those donuts look divine ... or what's left of them.
Aww, cute! I just LOVE going on dates with my boys. I still go on dates with my Dad even now! While I think it's really important for each parents to have one-on-one time with each child, I also think it's really extra special for the opposite sex parent to "date" their children.
The donuts look really yummy!'s so nice you went on a date with Aaron. Great bonding time :)
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