This term Maddison is doing an art class after school (1 hour once a week). She loves it :-) Anything to do with colouring is right up her ally, but I love how this class is taking that a little bit further. On Monday when I picked her up from school she came running with this awesome little tree and held it up with both hands and said "this is for you Mummy, I made it"!! :-)
Amazing what you can create with tissue paper and corrugated cardboard! haha I think the little sign was supposed to say "Save the Trees", but her sign says "Sav Tree" (mainly because she coloured over the E in save hehee).
I think the fence is very cute.
And I love the decorated tree trunk and the added bits of seeds and pods among the grass at the base of the tree.
When we got back home she took the tree off me and very seriously told me that "Baby Samuel isn't allowed this tree Mummy, I will put it your room so it's safe!" :-) heheee Later I checked and she had put it right beside my bed. :-) It's now in pride of place on our dresser (none of the kids can reach up there (yet)!)
Looking forward to seeing what she creates next week.