This morning Aaron & Maddison went off to school with presents (I cheated - it was just a box of chocolates!) for their teachers. I pulled out all the thank you and blank cards from my card box and let them choose which cards they wanted. They decorated and wrote in them (well Aaron wrote and Maddison wrote her name) :-)
Aaron's card for his Teacher ... I sure hope they like cars hehehee :-)

And one for his Assistant Teacher.

Maddison's card for her Teacher.

And one for her Assistant Teacher.

Maddison is left handed ... found out recently that it's from Lyndon's side of the family! So interesting these little quirks that are in the gene pool! haha Anyway she's just started wanting to write her name on everything she does. She's finally got the hang that her name starts with an "M" not a "W" and I think what she does is just writes the letters in her name she's comfortable doing and if she runs out of room she just leaves the rest off hehehee Love that she's wanting to write now. :-)
Thanks for visiting.
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