Last Wednesday Samuel took his first steps. He's been walking around furniture for a while and walking holding our hands and pushing the little trolley, but last Wednesday was the first time he took steps on his own :-) He did 3 between the couch and the coffee table. The look on his face was gorgeous - he looked so proud of himself!!!
Thursday he took a few more - the most at one time was probably about 9 and by Friday he felt he was ready to tackle anything! Even with a big balloon in his hand :-)

Look out here I come :-)

This week he discovered a lemon lime & bitters bottle in the rubbish and thought he needed to swig on the dregs!

He's tried big fat noodles (or worms as the kids call them).

Maddison put her princess headband on him one night after bathtime hehee

He likes banana too ...

Especially when you can smear it EVERYWHERE!

This is his latest cheeky "I am so smart" look! (excuse the banana up his nose hehee)

See ... I told you it was his new look! This morning after breakfast he gave a big squeal and I looked up to see him sitting nice as you like on the chest that the kids computer is sitting on! Sigh ... another climber!

I had a coffee group this morning with some of the mum's from Aaron's class and another little girl was there (she's about 3 months older than Samuel). He was showing off because he's walking and she's not and he kept coming back to her, grabbing her head and giving her a kiss. Little monkey.

The next thing we need to teach him is how to climb down off things! He's very good at climbing up (especially on Maddison's bed), but he hasn't worked out how to get down by himself yet, so just bellows when he's had enough!
Okay off to do some baking ready for his 1st birthday party at the end of the week. Thanks for visiting. :-)
He certainly look very proud taking his first steps! Time flies! Hope you'll hv fun with the baking!
awww a walking boy! :) Go Samuel
eeek! Not a baby anymore...
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