Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there :-) Hope you had a lovely day.
I had a Mothers day ... can't say it was all "happy" though, but there were several good parts to the day so I suppose I better focus on those bits! ha
Lyndon took some pics of me and the kids just before we had lunch ... at least there was 1 good one of us all.

The rest of them Maddison had her eyes crossed! WHY does she do that? It's so annoying.

Then I got some pics of each of the kids with the gift they made me :-) Aaron decorated the bag and made me a heart pillow. He even did some of the stitching himself! He told me "it was really hard, but it was so easy that he did it!" (I was giggling away to myself when he was telling me that!)

Maddison gave me a beaded heart and a card.

Samuel gave my ear a pull and a snot trail! Whoopsie I didn't realise he needed his nose wiped!

Lyndon did some doodling on a scrap of card he must have found in my messy scrap space :-)

The kids wrote their names. :-) Love how Maddison writes hers hehee

Here's my gifts! VERY spoilt ... and no the bag Lyndon got me wasn't true to label (phew hehee)!

He was a Darling and got me a little camera - a Canon PowerShot S95. It's very nice! Fits in my handbag just great. I won't be giving up my DSLR though! :-) It replaces the little pink one I had which has something wrong with it - takes 2-3 photos and the battery goes flat! It's very frustrating!
Hope you have a great week ahead - and thanks for visiting.
Happy Mother's Day to you.....and wow...that's a whole lot of gifts...
and I love the mother-daughter skirt..nice....
What a lovely photo of you and the children! Happy Mother's day to you Rachel!
Ha ha - I was wondering why on earth L would be giving you a watch! :)
Sounds like a lovely Mothers Day to me! I love the card Lyndon made for you. And the photo of you and the kids is gorgeous!
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