I shouldn't need to tell you that there's going to be lots of pics! :-)
It's been a busy week (well for some hehee) ... trips to the playground, visitors, eating, sleeping, nappy changing and shopping for some!
I'll let the photos tell you what we have been up to.
Grandma took the kids to the playground early one afternoon in the HEAT (see Maddison's flushed wee cheeks) for some bubble gun fun. Here Aaron is "showing" Maddison just how to work the gun!!!

Maddison tucking her baby doll into it's new cot.

Aaron playing with his first set of lego ... Daddy helped him create it then later on I found him sitting with his legs crossed making something else out of the pieces :-)

Grandma gave Samuel his first bath at home ... he seems to like doing ballet moves with his hands hehee

All dressed again after his bath and there's that frown!

Hummmmm ....

Building block towers with Daddy before bedtime ... and trying to knock it over by throwing marbles at it.

I got some happy mail ... a RAK from
Scrap-it-Lah for one of their challenges last month :-) Thank you very very much Scrap-it-Lah.

Lyndon has been shopping ... new computer with a huge screen! Aaron calls it "his" laptop heheee

The boxes are the best part!

Biking in the rain.

Building marble runs out of big boxes, milk cartons, cereal boxes and tins (and lots and lots of tape!).

And of course chats with Samuel.

Aaron showing Samuel his new transformer toy ... Samuel looks really enthused with it all!

9 days old

I can't believe I have been home nearly a week and Samuel is 9 days old! Where has the time gone? Have done nothing at all craft wise ... think about it, but that's it. Will have to get on with it though because I want to complete a couple of things before Mum leaves, so should really start looking at what photos I am going to use. That might get me motivated.
Thank you every one for your emails, text messages and phone calls. :-)
The photos are great! I love the one of Aaron showing Samuel his Lego creation. You know what, sooner than you think Samuel will be creating his own Lego, and showing it to Aaron! Time sure does fly!!
Great pics. Glad to hear things are going well. Looks like Aaron and Madison are keeping entertained by a full house. Keep smiling.Hx
The pictures did tell all the stories. They are great pictures! I love best when they spend time with Samuel :)
heh heh - amazing what can be created with boxes :)
Samuel is looking cute :)
awwww great photos Rachel. LOL at the frown and the thumb sucking he looks so cute though. Awww at the boxes lol they are made for having fun. LOL at the laptop comment by Aaron. I am glad things are going well for your family, nine days has gone so fast.
Great to see all the photos - feels like you are still just down the road...
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