Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Have to record this ...

Before I forget!!
I've been wearing one of my new tops today and Aaron asked me where my tummy was LOL (as if it wasn't obvious!!). So I pulled the top tight and said "it's right here"! He goes "Oh" and has a feel. So I decided to ask him if he thought the baby would be a little boy or a little girl. He looked at me and then at my tummy and said "a baby girl, because his name is Zapnia" (spelling it like he pronounced it!)!!! My eyes popped out a little and I tried not to laugh out loud and I asked him "do you have any other girls names you like?" hehehee He then proceeded to list a few names of girls that are either in his class at school or that he knows ;-)
I said "don't you think it would be a little strange if we had a little baby girl with a Chinese or Indian name in our little New Zealand family?" He promptly said "No, because it's not Chinese". LOL (at least he has that right!!)
At that I dropped the subject!!
I think Aaron's conversations about this coming baby are only going to get more and more interesting :-)
p.s. we won't be calling the baby Zapnia if it's a girl! lol

The camera has had an airing!

Just a quick catch up of this week so far!
Monday ... I actually made it clothes shopping while the kids were at school. If you know me or read my blog, I've mentioned before it's a chore to me. I hate clothes shopping. Shopping for maternity clothes is even worse I have discovered! Especially here! I wanted some tops and some skirts ... sounds easy huh! My only stipulation was that they had to last the remainder of my pregnancy (e.g. fit!) and the skirts were to be below my knees! Huh ... what a joke. The first shop I went to had 3 styles of skirts, all of which were about 30cm long ... I won't even try and imagine myself wearing such a thing, so don't you bother! (Hideous comes to mind!). The tops ... all were blouses really in the same style - lots of different colours and patterns with the only other difference being that some had buttons, some didn't, some had collars, some didn't, some had pockets, some didn't! Huh ... anyway I found 3 that would do. (Actually by that stage I was so brassed off that they didn't have longer skirts I just wanted to grab the first things that fitted!)
Second shop ... well there was more of a selection in the tops ... so I got a t-shirt. But the skirts ... much the same story. They did have a couple of longer ones, which the shop assistant insisted would fit me (big joke ... couldn't even get it up over my thighs let alone my hips!). I did buy one skirt - it's sort of calf length I suppose, but it definitely won't last till the end of the pregnancy!
My question is ... how on earth do other 'curvy', 'generously' built, 'lush' ladies manage?? Especially when they are pregnant? I mean seriously ... I know more than half the female population here don't have bottoms or hips to speak of ... but what about the ones that do?
Anyway I will try another shop I've seen and if I have no luck then I think my best bet is to go fabric shopping and get something made! So that was my shopping trip ... I had to console myself with a pretzel at Auntie Annies on the way home hehehe (that will help with the lushness LOL)!!
Yesterday the kids helped the maid clean the mirrors while I did my hair before going to school! I think the mirrors ended up dirtier than they were to start with actually LOL

And today ... I took the camera to school mainly to get some pics of Maddison at school doing her thing! I have in mind a double LO for her album like this one I did for Aaron.
Concentrating colouring in ... something she's actually very good at compared to other kids her age and she just loves. (I can't recommend Crayola Washable Crayons enough!!!!) :-)

Showing off her circles & star she's coloured in on the Christmas tree to a little friend.
This is her 'partner in crime' hehehee. Sorry you can't see Z's face but I haven't got permission from her parents ... but you can see the sneaky look on Maddison's face and Z had a very cheeky look hehee They get up to lots of mischief together!!!
On Wednesday's at school they have a gym session. Because I was there Maddison didn't want to participate in anything until the climbing activity! (Apparently it's her favourite!)
"Look at me Mummy"
And jumping ... now I know why both the kids love jumping on our bed!!

Teacher lining them up to talk back to class.
Listening very intently to music and watching the flash cards the teacher was holding up.
Music was forgotten when she saw this activity toy ... so when she was busy with that I sneaked away :-)
And here's Aaron doing counters ... he had to put the numbers in order, then put the correct amount of little green counters beside each number.
Okay I am out of here. We have a train track to build! ;-)
Thanks for visiting.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Class ...

But I'm teaching this one! ;-)
A Crop.Arty : Card Making #2 at Scrap-n-Crop on Saturday afternoon, 12 December 2009. You can check out the details here.
Here's a sneak at some of the products & tools we'll be using! Look at them ALL!!! It's going to be fun :-)

The great thing about this class is that although it's Christmas themed, the techniques we'll be using can be adapted/applied for any occasion.
To sign up click here. :-)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun Fun Fun @ Kids Crop.Arty

Here's Maddison waiting for Aunty I to come out of the lift hehehe ... pity about the dummy! But she was dancing about with the balloons and looking so funny!
Great excitement when she arrived! After lunch we left Aunty and Maddison and Aaron and I headed off to Scrap-n-Crop to participate in the kids Crop.Arty. :-) We made a mini album using this paper as the cover :-)

And we cut this one into strips ...
And this one into cards ...
And teacher Penny would hold up a strip or a card and ask the kids to find their one. hehehee Aaron would hunt then grab the right one and hold it up and shout, "Look Aaron found it"!!! lol (I think he was loudest in the class :-) !!!)
Here he is gluing away like crazy!

After we'd done most of the gluing and sticking we stopped for a snack break. One of the ladies had bought some delicious cupcakes along ... They had little animals sticking out of them :-) Aaron chose a crocodile.

Then after snacks was the part he'd been waiting for ... painting! :-) Love the way he holds the brush (so cack handed!).
I can't show you the finished product on here till after Christmas because it's a gift for someone :-) But I will. Aaron did a pretty cool job actually. He punched out the shapes and rounded the corners of things ... told everyone else how to use the Cropadile Big Bite! "Ya know ... you put the paper there and press down here, Mummy has one of these!" (so funny)
And Penny is feeling very smug because Aaron said thank you and gave her a hug and just poked his tongue out at Val! (cheeky little monster!)
So that was our fun. We left a little bit earlier because Lyndon had arrived home ... so was very important to get home to see Daddy ya know! :-)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday fun ...

This afternoon Aaron and I are off to Scrap-n-Crop to do this ...

Copyrights - Penelope Gan

Should be fun! Will be interesting to see how distracted Aaron gets hehee ... I shall have to get him involved in the painting to keep him busy ;-)
Aunty I is coming to look after Maddison until Lyndon gets home from Thailand.
Will post pics in the next few days of what we got up to :-)
Have a great weekend. :-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ya Know ...

(That's Aaron's latest phrase ... it gets used A LOT!) hehehee

Anyway 'ya know' I really did plan to update this blog more regularly! And here it's well over a week since I last posted! Life has gotten in the way ... both the kids have been sick so I've pretty much stayed at home with them since last Friday after taking them to the Dr's (boys that was a costly exercise!). Anyway Aaron is much better and he went back to school today. Still has a bit of a cough, but not much. Maddison still isn't 100% yet ... but hopefully by the weekend she will be over it.

So since we've stayed home and the kids have been coughing and snotting (which is snot nice I tell you) and I've been vomiting, it's been a really delightful week! :(

Lyndon has missed most of it as well lucky thing! He's had a pretty heavy travel schedule the last few weeks and still has about 3 weeks left ... so we'll be glad when that's over. In the last 3 weeks he's been to China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and has Indonesia, Japan, Philippines & Vietnam on his list. I have lost track of where he's supposed to be actually ;-) He's home for about 24 hours in the weekend before he's off again! Be good to spend some time with him over the Christmas break.

But in more exciting news ... we are on the countdown till Nana & Grandad arrive :-) :-) Less than four weeks. Aaron talks about it most days ... when are they coming?, are we going to the airport to pick up Nana & Grandad today?, we'll take them to see this and take them to see that heheheee He's so looking forward to them coming. So I hope Nana & Grandad that you will show the appropriate interest in all the toy shops (mainly Thomas ones) he's got lined up to show you LOL Somehow though I think once they are here he will be just too excited to bother too much about Thomas shops! :-) (well I am hoping anyway!)

Haven't even got any photos to show you ... that hasn't been on my mind and photos of snotty nose little rascals isn't very nice to look at! ;-)

The last few days I've been thinking about the differences between this pregnancy and the other two. Some say that each one is different ... well some parts are! Some are the same. For example, all three I have gone right off chocolate for the first three months (weird totally weird for me!). But not to fret I am getting my daily dose once again :-) The vomiting is the same, the nausea is the same. Different things can set the vomiting off ... this time round it's been the dishes! True ... every time I go to the sink to start the dishes I end up being sick. So some days the dishes pile up for a couple of days! Today though has been a relatively good afternoon and I didn't notice the nausea so was able to get 2 days worth of dishes done! (That's one thing I really really miss living here ... not having a dishwasher! You can get them, but I just don't have room in my kitchen. Next place we move ... it's going to be a priority!!) :-) I didn't notice the tiredness as much for the previous two as this one ... I've been going to bed around 8.30pm! (that's not like me hehee) And I still haven't been clothes shopping! Maybe tomorrow! See how I feel. It's getting desperate ... thought I would be able to wear some of the clothes that I was wearing when we first came here ... but ummmmm my 'bump' has expanded somewhat in the last week, so that idea's not going to work! Nothing else for it but to go shopping :(

So that's been us ... and I think I have rambled enough tonight, so I am out of here!

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Snippets from the last few days ...

I've had a few laughs the last week or so with things the kids have said! Thought I'd share some of them here.
I picked Maddison up from school on Friday and she was wearing this headband she'd made. (She wouldn't let me take a photo of her though so this was the best I got!). Anyway when I said to her "wow that's pretty cool, did you make it?" She informs me "it's pretty Mummy"!! And flounces off! lol (everything is pretty for her at the moment!)

Aaron has started to tell me how good he is at things. Bit of a laugh really. For example we'll be sitting down for a meal and he'll say "Aaron's eating up really well Mummy isn't he?!!!" ;-) (usually said when I am telling Maddison to put the next spoonful in her mouth!)
He'll get up in the morning and tell me "Aaron had a really big sleep last night didn't he Mummy! Maddison was naughty and woke me up!" LOL (not usually the case but I suppose it adds to his story heheee)
If Maddison has done #2's in her nappy he'll come running, usually yelling at the top of his voice, "Mummy Maddison's done poos, Aaron doesn't do poo's in his pants does he!!
So you can plainly see that I have the perfect son! LOL (not) ;-) All interesting though.
Last night I was getting them up to the table for tea and Aaron poked my tummy and said "Mummy's got a fat tummy!" (I need to have serious words with him about that I think! lol) Anyway I said "yes it was a bit fat, but it wasn't just all fat! (I wish anyway) There is actually a baby in Mummy's tummy, and it's just little now, but it's keeping safe in there and growing". So he lifts my top and looks a bit then laughs and says "Baby tummy"!! Then of course Miss Copycat pipes up and says "I see, I see, I see Mummy's baby tummy". LOL What is worrying that if he thinks I am "fat" now, what's he going to think in another 5-6 months!!!
Snapped pics of the kids sleeping last night just because I could. Have a LO in mind ... just need my mojo to come back! (If you have borrowed it then send it back please because you've had it long enough! ;-) !!)

Today the kids aged 4 and above at the kids school went on a bus trip to "Rimba Ilmu" - Forest of Knowledge at the Botanic Garden at the University of Malaya in KL. It's all Aaron has talked about the last few days, he's been VERY excited about it. The went by bus, did a "forest" (not allowed to call it "bush" Aaron told me) walk then back to school. They had to wear their uniform and Aaron doesn't like his so I haven't bothered with it ... but I dug out his top and he just wore that with some navy shorts so he didn't look too out of place. Only trouble was the top is a bit small, so every now and again he was showing his navel hehehee The also had to wear socks and proper shoes! (well he doesn't have sneakers so had to make do with his crocs). Love the squinty eyed pose!

And Miss Copycat again ... because Aaron had a hat and socks she had to as well! She's with her little friend S.
And Aaron & Y sitting waiting before they walked down to the bus.
And they are off! I think it would have been a bit like trying to manage a bunch of unruly monkeys with 2 bus loads of kids aged between 4 and 5!!! Would have liked to been a fly on the wall actually!
Aaron waving goodbye to me from his seat on the bus :-)
When I picked them up from school I asked how his trip went and he was very excited (still) about going on the bus. So I asked what did he see at the forest. "Ummmmm we saw lots of trees Mummy!" hehehee of course how silly of me to even ask! I asked if he saw anything else. He had to think a bit and so I asked if he saw any birds ... then he said "yes we saw some birds and butterflies and ants, and an ant crawled all over my hand!" Ahhh what a highlight! ;-)
Right I am off to bed now. Thanks for visiting :-)

Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm still here!

Just been taking things quietly ... well as much as I can with two rascals running about yelling & screaming!
Remember I made some vouchers for Lyndon for his birthday earlier in the year? (You can see them all here.) Well I think it's fairly safe to say that this particular one has been redeemed!!!

Hummmmm ... ;-) Baby number 3 is on its way! Lets just say it's been making it's presence felt to me pretty much 24/7. I have come to the conclusion that it must have been a bloke that started the term "morning sickness" because there's no way it's just contained to the mornings for me. I've been sooo soooo sooo tired this time round ... unbelievably so actually. And I am so over the vomiting ... but I keep telling myself that yes I really would like this baby & it's what I wanted, so I just have to put up with it! LOL And if it's like the other two then I have another 10 weeks or so of constant nausea and vomiting to enjoy! But other than that all is good, baby is doing all he/she should ... I am just over 3 months and already need to seriously do something about my wardrobe! That means shopping and I don't enjoy clothes shopping! :(
So that's the reason why things have been a bit slack round here! The bare minimum has been done ... the last couple of months I have been taking the kids to school then coming back home and sleeping for a couple of hours hehehee :-) I'm making the most of it because they only have a month left of school!
With my other two pregnancies I used seabands for morning sickness. But for some reason during our move here I only had one in my drawer! (weird) So Lyndon bought me some more recently, but because it's so hot and I think they are a little bit tighter than my original ones, my wrists and fingers swell, and I get really sore thumbs! So have put them aside for now and trying to combat the nausea with eating hehehee (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!).
So that's the news from this neck of the woods ... not very exciting at the moment ... but will be exciting in May :-)
Thanks for visiting & I will try and be a little bit more regular on the blogging than I have been!!!