Super Stars ... :-)
Aaron's class all have a turn at being Super Star for a week. They get to bring in photos and things about themselves and create a little display. They have some things to write on paper stars as well, like "what they are proud of about themselves" and "what they want to do when they grow up". Can't remember all what they were, but I do know that he wrote he wants to be a Lego Designer when he grows up :-) That's a change from his usual "I am going to drive a Ferrari!" :-)
So here he is with his display.
Yesterday he got to bring in a "sharing sack". They could bring in a collection of things that had meaning to them, not necessarily a bunch of toys! So Aaron wanted to bring in two sacks ... one with all his Ferrari cars.
And the other with the stuff toy Penguin collection! He's mad about Penguins, Emperor Penguins in particular. You ask him why and he says "because they are fast"!! Riiiiiggggght ... I suppose that's a good enough reason! hehehe
He asked me to make his favourite chocolate cupcakes to share with the class. So I made those (late) last night and took them in this morning.
I also went in after lunch today and read his favourite picture book to the class. He had a tough decision to choose which book, as we have a rather large library! Anyway he settled on "
The Dog Who Could Dig" by Jonathon Long. It was quite neat that none of the other kids had seen the book, so they were excited to hear it too. (It's an awesome book by the way - the pictures are amazing as well.) I got a hug from him after reading the book :-)
Tomorrow the teacher reads out to the class a letter that Lyndon and I have written about how special Aaron is to us! I can tell you that it was hard letter to write! I don't mean that he's not special (we are all special in one way or another), but I found it hard to write a letter that was kinda personal and know that someone else was going to read it out and I wasn't even going to be there!! I don't mind telling him how special he is to us to his face, and we do, but it's a whole different ball game writing it down in a letter!! :-) (I will save it for his scrapbook!) hehehee
And Friday he gets presented with a friendship poster that his class mates have created.
I must say I have quite enjoyed being able to say to Aaron this week when he's not behaving or not doing as he's been asked "Superstars don't do that, Superstars are awesome ... they jump and run to help, especially their Mummy!" heheheee
Maddison's class celebrated Thanksgiving today with a thanksgiving lunch and a couple of craft activities.
When I arrived the kids were all sitting at the table (desks had been pushed together to create a dining table) and they were wearing "pilgrim hats and bibs" They looked so cute :-)
One of the Mum's had done an awesome job of making turkey juice cups and she'd also made chocolate marshmallow pilgrim hat cookies :-)
Was funny watching the kids drink with the turkey feathers hehehe ;-)
Their craft activities were making a turkey pine cone. (One of the Mums had bought the pinecones in from the USA!) (The two kiwi mums had a giggle about that!) :-)
And another turkey using hand cutouts.
So a busy day all round! And now I am off to bed!
Thanks for visiting.