Our third week on holiday at my parents ...
Samuel had a chat and slobber session with Grandma! (The slobber was all from him!)
Aaron got busy designing a mini golf course for Grandad to build around their section!! (hehee)
Climbing the totara tree in Grandma's garden.
Carrying water to the chook pen.
Filling the hens water container.
Enjoying an ice-block in the sun.
Monday there was a beautiful sunrise
Samuel helped Grandma mow the lawn.
Then they played croquet with their cousins :-)
Aaron went home with my sister on Monday night for a sleepover. House seemed a lot quieter with him gone! ;-)
Caught this cookie monster helping himself to the last of the wine biscuits one afternoon!
On Tuesday Grandma, Maddison, Samuel and I went out to my sisters. We stopped to buy some swedes on the side of the road.
My sisters two eldest boys were at school, so we took her youngest and my three down to the beach.
Very muddy farm track!
We walked along the beach till we got to the sand slide which my kids remember from last year and wanted to do again :-)
Samuel loves chasing birds!
The best fun ... even if the wind is bitterly cold!!
Samuel decided to taste a few rocks! Must be lacking in salt haha
As usual he wanted to be carried!
Playing with Grandma's bucket of plastic animals.
Trying on Grandma's hats and fancy head bands from her dress-up box.
Maddison thought she looked like Merida from the Brave movie! ;-)
Thursday morning my sister and I took an early flight to Nelson. We wanted to catch up with some of our relations up there (some I haven't seen for about seven and a half years.)
The flight was late leaving, which meant we only had 20 minutes in Wellington before catching our next flight. But can I say ... that was the BEST flight into Wellington I have ever had! It was sooooo smooth, no wind and looked like a beautiful day. (Can't say it's been like that the other times I have flown in there!) haha
My Aunty picked us up from the airport and on the way home she took us to get some milk.
Clean 1 litre bottle, put in your coins, push the button and out comes real fresh cows milk! :-)
We only had 1 night in Nelson, but was so nice to see so many relations. We left again Friday evening and headed for Christchurch. Watched the sunset on the way - one lone star in the sky.
Got into Christchurch to find our flight to Invercargill had mechanical problems and was cancelled. Air New Zealand put us up in a hotel and provided us with meal vouchers. Was quite scrumptious actually.
Back at the airport before 5.45am the next morning to find yet again our 6.15am flight had been cancelled :-( So we had a long wait till our 10am flight.
Was a nice surprise though, because I got to see Lyndon - he flew in from KL and had a few hours with his parents before heading to Invercargill. Kids couldn't believe I saw Daddy at the airport hehee
Maddison drew me some lovely pictures while I was away.
Love the shaped clouds in this one! ;-)
While I was away Grandma was brave and took the kids to Chipmunks.
Samuel may (or may not) have helped with the vacuuming as well!!
Okay ... that's all for now.
Thanks for visiting.